syafiqngaiman Apr 11, 2020 |
barang dah sampai 3 hari di transit office KLIA HUB,tapi masih tiada pergerakan dan status terkini.Barang yang saya pos adalah makanan(buah).Kalau begini keadaannya saya berkemungkinan buah saya itu sudah lembik dan busuk.Anda kerja untuk mendapat rezki yang halal,tetapi apabila anda tidak menjalankan...
nurul1234 Apr 11, 2020 |
 I DIDNOT RECEIVED MY PARCEL AND THERE IS NOT UPDATE FROM POSLAJU SINCE 8/4 it have been 3 days ago and it is still stuck at poslaju parcel hub. is there any problem? please check ERB590712615MY...
nurul1234 Apr 11, 2020 |
 my parcel stuck at poslaju parcel hub since 8/4 . it have been 3 days ago and no update from post office. i call the customer servers but they didn’t pick up my call. please check this tracking number ERB590712615MY it is important....
shakila Apr 11, 2020 |
berapa lama nk perap parcel dkt pos laju hub? sy order makanan. item stuck dari 6/4/2020 sampai sekarang! call customer srvices x angkat. ERB580584179MY please check...
shakila Apr 11, 2020 |
berapa lama nk perap parcel dkt pos laju hub? sy order makanan. item stuck dari 6/4/2020 sampai sekarang! call customer srvices x angkat. ERB580584179MY please check...
shakila Apr 11, 2020 |
parcel saya stuck dkt pos laju parcel hub tersangat la lama. call pos laju customer srvices tak angkat langsung. stuck dari 6/4/2020 sampai sekarang. bila check tracking number lama betul stuck. please send my parcel asap. my tracking number ERB580584179MY...
530477033 Apr 11, 2020 |
 I recently flew from Ottawa/Singapore/Ottawa. I booked this flight a year ago. Came back in March 2020.
Now when I tried to submit my boarding passes to claim for missing mileage I was denied this privileged.
Swiss Air, Singapore Airlines and Lufthansa which are all Star Alliance...
Are Jiee Apr 11, 2020 |
 Barang 4/4 dah dispatch out dari klia hub tunggu sampai 8/4 barang masih dekat klia hub sampai sekarang. 8 hari barang peram dekat sana jadi telor ayam ke ape silap-silap jadi anak ayam dahh...TOLONG PERCEPATKAN URUSAN PENGHANTARAN ERB563716952MY...
Raylisa70 Apr 11, 2020 |
We purchased a Kenmore Elite Refrigerator (LG) from Sears on 10-16-16 and was delivered on 10-24-16. This was the biggest mistake of our lives! We purchased the Master Protection Agreement for 3 years for an additional fee of $379.99. I believe the Sears' representatives push for this...
Raylisa70 Apr 11, 2020 |
We purchased a Kenmore Elite Refrigerator (LG) from Sears on 10-16-16 and was delivered on 10-24-16. This was the biggest mistake of our lives! We purchased the Master Protection Agreement for 3 years for an additional fee of $379.99. I believe the Sears' representatives push for this...
Raylisa70 Apr 11, 2020 |
We purchased a Kenmore Elite Refrigerator (LG) from Sears on 10-16-16 and was delivered on 10-24-16. This was the biggest mistake of our lives! We purchased the Master Protection Agreement for 3 years for an additional fee of $379.99. I believe the Sears' representatives push for this...
ecahlatte Apr 10, 2020 |
pls check my item ERB566671447MY tak move for days, still kat pusat mel nasional like forever. item lain pakai poslaju jugak, elok je sampai. thankyou in advance 🤦🏻♀️...
Nadzri Nordin Apr 10, 2020 |
Sepanjang musim pkp ini,sy telah menerima msg dr court mammoth mengenai tunggakan bayaran bulanan saya. Jd sy telah memohon no akaun saya melalui whatsup,sms dan email kpd pihak khidmat pelanggan cm utk membuat bayaran secara online ttp sehingga kini tidak di balas. Sblm ini sy cuma ke cm cawangan...
VenesiA Apr 10, 2020 |
I been billing since October 2019 for a explorer unit at Dstv that I don't have
I phone several times and promises are made that they will investigate and come back to me
I must go but airtime every time and when I call them to call centre they say they will investigate
VenesiA Apr 10, 2020 |
Since last year October 2019 I'm struggling
With Dstv
I'm been billing for a explorer unit that I don't have
Every month they send me a sms that said that they put my viewing off due outstanding
I pay them the full amount that is my...
Angie927 Apr 10, 2020 |
 Ok so it started with a message I received from a. Fellow seller on listia.we both were bidding on same auction.as days go by she stats sending me mean messages..I was still waiting on 105 auction wins from her.as time goes by I haven't received anything i ask her if she was going to send...
Id2angel Apr 10, 2020 |
Hi there are these two ID's of farm story game ( ranu_ji and darnisar ) these is same person using two ID's they both comments on my wall and abuse me bully me. First they asked my age name gender my instagram ID. T I didn't response then they started abusing me I said why you...
Cik Elly Apr 10, 2020 |
Stuck 18 Days!
my parcel processed on 23 March 2020 at Pos Laju Transit Office (klia Hub)
complain made on 10 April 2020 (2.19 pm)
Unbelievable! 18 Days guys
If something wrong happen within the processed,
Cik Elly Apr 10, 2020 |
Stuck 18 Days!
my parcel processed on 23 March 2020 at Pos Laju Transit Office (klia Hub)
complain made on 10 April 2020 (2.19 pm)
Unbelievable! 18 Days guys
If something wrong happen within the prosessed,
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