Aisyah Oct 5, 2017 |
Bila saya boleh dpt brg saya yg diserahkan kpd org lain ye ? Atau ganti rugi brg saya ? Dah lebih seminggu saya tunggu.. call xdpt2.. bila pergi ckp nak tanya posmen... xkan dh berapa hari xtanya2 posmen lagi......
Krtni78 Oct 5, 2017 |
 I had made complaints & request for investigations on 04th & 06th September 2017 pertaining to unrecognized debit transactions from my credit cards from 15th August to 04th September 2017 total amounting to RM13,806.07 from FACEBK. On 08th September 2017, FACEBOOK replied me confirming...
Bart Brooks Oct 5, 2017 |
JustAnswer is a system of fraud.
I went to JustAnswer and put in a question. They asked for a $5 deposit, which I did on credit card, but they did not tell me what the price would be! Immediately following I was billed $53 saying they would send an answer. I was never told...
rl1234 Oct 5, 2017 |
 I was sent over to TCS from akaya info, the profile that is being registered contains false information about my background ( I am a PM, not a QA or assurance personnel), when I complaint to [email protected] as indicated on the website, I actually didn't get any correction or user rights...
Nbkm5or Oct 5, 2017 |
Here was my chat conversation with centurylink on 10/3/17
I Sailyn R.: Thank you for contacting Century Link my name is Sailyn R. What can I do for you today?
My account xxx-xxx-xxxx-xxx: I am looking into cancelling my internet service and go elsewhere cheaper. Ive noticed...
dmn Oct 5, 2017 |
I will NEVER be doing business with StubHub ever again and like everyone else on here, advise you to do the same. I sold a pair of tickets on StubHub and dropped them off in a UPS dropbox. Either they sat in that dropbox for a few days or someone at UPS slipped up, but the tracking did not register...
DC1892 Oct 5, 2017 |
It is my firm belief that this company should be shut completely down. My experience is similar to the majority of all the other complaints that have already been stated. The individuals who conducts the initial consultation should be more educated on what it is their promising hard working...
Rclsr721 Oct 5, 2017 |
They call 5 to 10 times a day as US or or Canadian pharmacies for the last 5 years can’t get rid of them...
Grecko1999 Oct 5, 2017 |
Received 2 page letter informing me I won $1,325,000 Net. All I have to do is send $12.99 for delivery. Cash/Ck/Money Orders only.
I see from other complaints that the "Scheduled Form: #13570" is EXACTLY like mine. Just curious if the "Verified ID # " is the same too....
Frustrated, Embarrassed, and Humiliated Oct 5, 2017 |
My husband, Fortino Hernandez and I purchased a mattress and box springs from Badcock in Athens, Tennessee. We made our purchase on March 10, 2017. The amount was just over $1,000.00. We were approved for $1,000.00 and with the down payment we financed $879.59. We were really happy with...
sherieward Oct 5, 2017 |
I have ripped my hair out trying to find a fix for why the games start out great then get slower and eventually freeze up. It is so bad that I can click on an item 50 or more times and nothing happens. The clock and tokens run out but no game gets finished! I have also won a few games and received...
rushgary Oct 5, 2017 |
 We purchase a Frigidaire model numbe FGHC2331PF7 from Lowe's on July 22, 2014. From the moment we purchased it there were ice making issues. We contacted Lowe's which sent Alabama Power out to replace or fix it twice in first year. Today we received a code on the control panel that...
MsAnnFirst Oct 5, 2017 |
I cannot get any response from Cancelmag.com to cancel a subscription for InStyle magazine which I didnot order. I DON'T WANT IT; DIDN'T ORDER IT; HATE IT! It just takes up so much space in my mailbox and I just throw it away as soon as it arrives, taking up space in my trash bag....
cwalker Oct 5, 2017 |
It's a shame that Shannon Sharpe still has a job at your network. For him to call the flag a racist piece of cloth is out of line. Let me tell you what the flag means. You see, having served in a combat zone and attended more funerals of the fallen than I care to count, the flag represents...
Black Oct 5, 2017 |
I watch Hallmark Channel for "I Love Lucy" and "Golden Girls" only. Why, do you play the (Christmas Movies) for 2 months before Christmas, we have to miss our favorite shows to watch Christmas movies in October, that's crazy. Play the Christmas Movies in December like...
Frankdipietro Oct 5, 2017 |
I've never heard of this company lovetoria paylvt.com. Nor did I give them authorization to take money off of my card I count on the money that is on my card to pay my bills and pay for my prescriptions The money that was taken is well over $100 I plan on pursuing this to every extent...
Victim of George McKee Oct 5, 2017 |
 Aspen Dental botched my tooth and I've suffered for six solid months because of it. I was forced to get a root canal, and the crown they placed is defective. I am trying to get my money back and get assistance with paying for their blatant carelessness and negligence. The same owner,...
Tufopupo Oct 5, 2017 |
I too am a victim of tetracycline staining to my teeth, was give the drug as a small baby for asthma symptoms/ chest infections. This has ruined my life with horrible staining of my teeth, I then developed cystic acne and wax prescribed minocycline , I don't know if this has added to the...
sibi007 Oct 5, 2017 |
I lost my phone today morning at 9:00AM. So please do find it for me... Plzzzzz...
RemyH Oct 5, 2017 |
I was told in June that I was covered 100% by my insurance due to me having a mechanical valve, i.e. having to take Warfin for the rest of my life meaning having to have my blood checked monthly possibly weekly.
My insurance is getting charged for Specialty Doctors Office Visits...
Frank Enos Oct 4, 2017 |
I went to Aspen Dental because I had 2 teeth that I knew had very large cavities. My regular dentist had retired and I just did not care for the new dentist that had taken over for him. It had been awhile since I had had a check-up and I thought that I might just be better off with dentures....
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